Monday, 12 August 2013

Tea 101 - Introduction to Tea

I started the Tea Sommelier course about a month ago.  I have recently completed the Tea 101 - Introduction to Tea course and have just started Tea 102 - Tea Regions of the World.  Tea 101 covered a basic overview of the the history of tea, the classes of tea, tea terminology, and tea grading.  We tasted five of the 6 main classes of teas, and also three different types of green tea, and different grades of Assam black tea.  The course ended with 1 one hour multiple choice exam, a blind cupping, and a 3 - min oral presentation to the instructor.

I will be posting weekly on the topics covered in Tea 102.  I will also include info from Tea 101 over the next few weeks to get you caught up.  In between all of that I am also going to explore how tea is helping me attain my goal for a more intentional life.

Tea is an excellent beverage.  There are a wide variety of flavours to suit your mood, and your tastes.  There is really something available for everybody.  Also there are significant health claims to drinking tea that have been reported on over the years.  So it is my recommendation that you give tea a try.  Find something you like, and then learn to slow down, relax, enjoy the present and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Nothing gets better than that.

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